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Reply to "NCAA Loses their minds"

old_school posted:
TPM posted:

The NCAA is trying to prevent your children and your families from getting ill. This country was not and is not prepared.

Who has lost their minds are our senators and congressman. Get them on the phone or send email,  attend a town hall meeting and let them know how you  really feel.

This is rich. Get your senators on the phone and bitch about why they aren't prepared for a virus that didn't exist a few weeks ago...demand vaccines from an industry that is among the slowest moving fields that has countless levels of regulated testing and studies involved to get any new drug released.

Demand they no how you feel about China attempting to thin down its population and it getting out of control.

you should loud proud and make sure that everyone knows you are scared to death of the monster under your bed and we all are going to act like a 3yr old throwing a tantrum until we are certain there is plenty of toilet paper available for all. 

Sure, ad hominem, that's the way to solve everything.
