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Reply to "NCAA Update..POLK concedes"

Originally posted by Bee>:
and the disadvantage to (heavily) using JCs is that quality freshmen will avoid your program.


My HS son is looking at a program with a roster of 35 and 10 are JUCO transfers. To me the 4 year coach is restocking and not developing. We are not interested.

As a parent of a JUCO player, I want my son to go play on a 4 year team where the coach will continue to develop his skills.

As a 4 year college coach (any division) I want a JUCO player that matches the calibur of HS players I recruit.

There are many success stories of JUCO players who have gone to 4 year programs and have done very well. But mostly, because the had the tools to play on that team from the get go, but for some reason (grades, money, etc) they didn't get the opportunity originally.

The only thing that will change, JUCO's will benefit because of the sit transfer rule. I do not see a bigger influx into 4 year programs because of the new recruiting rules.