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Reply to "Need advice for 10U travel team"

eagle, I was thinking about this tonight. I'd suggest splitting your kids into two teams and play a scrimmage game for maybe the last 20 minutes of a practice. There are any number of games you can come up with. In the past we've done things like have the batter hit off a Tee with their back knee on the ground (score 1 point for reaching first safely, 1 point for grounders and line drives reaching the grass, an out for fly balls into the grass, and no bunting). A short game of kickball is good fun, and gets very competitive (it won't take any pushing from adults, the kids will play to win). We've played softball, kids vs. parents - the kids will REALLY want to win that. Mix it up, do different things at every practice - make the kids want to be there. Doing the same old stuff at practices gets B-O-R-I-N-G. Come up with some interesting drills and scrimages that make use of their skills and you'll see their desire to succeed come through.