Good observation guys. It is much harder at 17 so get some knowledge in those thick skills before they can drive off an leave you. My son had a so-so year with the bat. He struck out less than 10 % of the time and went to 3-2 during many at bats. I think he took too many decent balls for strikes in he process.It was also one of those years when you did tatoo it; it was right at them. He still finished above the .300 mark but in HS many do much better.
He was helping me work on something with the swing today. I said" see these new balls; I bought them in Feb and you never hit one." They get hot and cold on the game and yes when they separarte from you, baseball will be included too! Chronic success takes it's toll on practice too. A not so stellar series of games or entire year can bring some focus back. They don't like seeing others get those hitting trophies.