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Reply to "Need direction after major disappointment"

Catcher Mom - I feel your pain. These things are tough to swallow.

However unfair it may seem, these things do happen. Without knowing anything about your son or the other would seem that the "other" catcher must have quite a reputation...very possibly well-deserved. While not seeming fair to your son (very understandable), it may in fact have been the right decision from a talent point-of-view.

And try not to be angry with the "other" catcher either. He may have had a very good reason for not being there...for example he could have been ill or at the USA Baseball tryouts or something like that.

But most importantly I think...its ok for your son to know you're "on his side" in this situation. But don't dwell on it or let him dwell on it. Use it to inspire him to reach higher...let him dream about being the "stud of the universe" and let him try to achieve it. Staying angry will not help him over the summer.

There are many setbacks in any "career," most certainly even more in a baseball career. Some are small (bad day at the plate) and some are of the tougher variety like this one. Move on to the next tryout or event or team function more determined than ever.

Good luck! We'll all be rootin' for him! Wink
Last edited by justbaseball