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Reply to "Need direction after major disappointment"

Catcher Mom, You are touching on a very important part of the hsbbw! It has to do with the parent/son/baseball relationship and the ability of the parent to properly evaluate their sons and to understand where their son fits in the vast variety of baseball lineups. Your son may deserve a spot on the area code games --- I don’t know --- but it shouldn't be a major letdown if he doesn't make it. Our sons have to learn how to get better by winning and they need to learn how to get better when they lose. I've heard a baseball phrases for years that maybe we parents should take heed to: "Baseball is a game of averages." I remember like it was yesterday telling my son he may not make the JV team as a freshman and he was prepared to work for a roster spot for the next year and I was prepared to help him. Sure, I thought he “deserved” it but what I thought was not part of the decision making process. While it may not be fair, they need to play hard and appreciate the things that come their way.
I agree with justbaeball when he said:
Often, we parents equate hard work, effort and being a "good kid" with getting where/what we want for them. True, this is a great quality and breaks ties and even helps us move ahead...but it is no guarantee.

I have always felt one of the most important ingredients in the player’s “success” is having a parent properly evaluate his talent and to “guide” him in the right direction. This is a real challenge! The first thing we have to understand our sons are not special just because they are our sons. We just need to keep our sons positive, working hard, and keep him pointed in the right direction. Lclcoach pretty much sums it up:
If he is good he will get noticed, tell him not to stress over the things he cannot control and concentrate on the things he can.

Last edited by Fungo