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Reply to "New hitting instructor needed?"

Originally Posted by Batty67:

My 2017 son, a catcher, made tremendous strides in his hitting by working with a local fellow (and HS hitting guru) for whom I have tremendous respect.For about 18 months pretty regularly. That was until Fall 2017 when a hitch in his swing got him to roll-over to the right side a LOT (say half the time) and then pop-up to the left (1/4th of the time), leaving hard grounders that find a gap and the occasional line drive or deep fly. Went from batting almost 0.500 (slugging 0.700 and OPS >1.0) to 0.100 in one season with no power. Obviously, this became very mental.


Of course, he worked with his instructor who mostly figured out his hands were too high and drifted away from his body and then back to his body (so kind of an arc/slice). Tried to fix it with drills but nothing worked/"stuck" and it got worse and more mental.


In the meantime, he's going to focus on arm conditioning and catcher-related conditioning. I have tremendous respect for hsi coach but I fear we are at an impasse that might require a new perspective in terms of instructor and perhaps technology.


Anyone been through this sort of thing? Another option is stepping back to tee work with same instructor and rebuild the swing and the relationship. But this would be hard to do in the winter and he has no facility per se. Advice appreciated. Thanks.



  • Does he maintain an athletic posture? (Knees slightly bent; same as in golf, same as in tennis)
  • (2) Does he shift his weight from back to front?
  • (3) Does he lead with his back hip, shoulders follow and pass the hips, hands last to commit.
  • (4) On contact, do palms face the sky and the ground and wrists are locked? 

All the good hitters (Mantle, Mays, Musial, Aaron,) had these traits.

STANCE: too many differences to be considered important, Mays (wide), Ted Williams (narrow), Mantle (neutral), Musial (crouched) ; all great hitters but diff stances (As you can tell, I’m old-school)

FEET: My pref. slightly more that shoulder width (my neutral)

ARMS & ELBOWS: My pref. is neutral [  ^  ] <=== my concept of neutral, as opposed to back elbow up.

HANDS: My pref. Up near the back shoulder

STRIDE: No pref.

SWING: This is my advice to anyone learning how to swing. Get an old wood bat, go out and hit a tree. If you don't have a tree, hit a heavy bag. If you don't have one of those, hit a truck tire. My point is this: you will learn the grip, you will find the sweet spot, you will come to know the feel, it’s great for muscle memory and this may be the most controversial of all advice but (In my mind) the act of hitting a baseball is the same as that of a lumber jack felling a tree. This is a lot different that concentrating on hitting “thru” the ball. (and I DON’T mean chopping down. I’m referring to the torque, the wrist snap and the locked wrists. 

Last edited by CoachJackE