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Reply to "New member, HS umpire"

Kevin A posted:


Your points are awesome!  I am sharing them with my 2020!

Swamp-  I understand your points regarding why you wouldn't position a player, seek them out, etc. It seems like that is something you would do for a MS or freshman game but not a Varsity game.  My son knows to seek the ump out, he won't show the ump up, wont frame a pitch called a ball beyond the call itself.  Won't throw down to third unless its called (tough when the umps are slow in calling strike three!).  At the younger level's I have always appreciated the umps being informative to the players.  Not required obviously but nice to see.  Don't expect to see it at the higher level.

One thing I disagree with you Swamp.  While not in the official job description, my son understands his ability to block correctly can protect his sensitive body parts as well as the man behind him.   For him it is a source of pride that he does his job well, whether helping a pitcher feel comfortable or being a defensive wall.  Having an ump take a ball HE SHOULD have had, one he knows he should have had, doesn't sit well.  And I am ok with him wearing the guilt. LOL


I appreciate your son's attitude, but there's no purpose served by his feeling any obligation to do anything other trying to win the game. Really, we're not china dolls back there. I'm a 6'4", 210-pound man wearing armor. I can take a few shots. The 5'10", 160-pound catcher doesn't need to worry about shielding me. The only times I've been hurt have been on sharp fouls straight back that the catchers had no chance on. So just let the catcher do his job without adding a layer of guilt on him.

Also, I don't like joking about "your job is to protect blue" because there's an implied consequence: namely, the threat of the umpire exacting some sort of retribution if he gets scuffed up a bit. Even in jest, it rubs me the wrong way.
