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Reply to "New NCAA Regulations Concerning Recruiting Services and Videos"

We learned a long time ago that it is easier to work with the NCAA than against them. Like it or not, they are one great big powerful organization.

We have found that the best and easiest way (and only realistic way) of dealing with issues regarding the NCAA regulations is to go through college compliance officers. The NCAA does not like to discuss things with non NCAA groups, but compliance officers can get all the answers and interpretations. Obviously, college coaches are the closest people to their compliance departments, but we have a few friends who are compliance officers at major universities, as well.

It’s my opinion that most rules are set in place to “even the playing field”. I can say there are some interpretation issues with some of the rules. It is amazing how many college coaches are not even clear regarding how some of these rules are interpreted.

Anyway, our #1 concern is the players, so we need to make the necessary adjustments that are required. This is not always easy when schedules are made out a year in advance and then new rules go into affect and it requires scheduling changes.

I’m totally confused about the reason for the new rule regarding holding events at a college field. The interpretation we got was it is permissible to play the showcase games at the NCAA field, but you can’t do things like run the 60 (testing). In other words, it is legal to run the 60 across the street at a high school field and then cross the street and play the game at the college field. Does this really make any sense?

Baseball Web TV was aware of the NCAA rules long before it was launched. There was a lot of research done before we went with that project. BBWTV was launched much earlier than planned because of the WWBA Championship (hurricane) last year. The amount of effort that several compliance officers went through trying to get the NCAA to make an exception to the quiet recruiting period, led to much discussion regarding BBWTV. In a way it was a blessing in disguise because the whole situation opened up two different discussions. We were disappointed that the NCAA did not rule in our favor regarding the exemption to the quiet recruiting period, but at the same time we learned a lot about how BBWTV needed to operate in order to comply with the rules.

Another thing that confuses me… We see many of the promotional letters that Showcase Promoters send to players. I know that many (even most) who attend our events get on these mailing lists. Some promoters even claim that they saw the player at one of our events and were very impressed. Problem is… all the players seem to get the same letter. Guess they were impressed by all of the players. Truth is… They got a hold of a copy of our scout information.

But that’s not the biggest problem… It’s when we see testimonials from college (NCAA) coaches, included in these letters to players. Sometimes they are called camps rather than showcases. (Interpretation again) To make adjustments to comply I think Showcases will soon all turn into camps. Just add a little instructional stuff, hire some college coaches (they’ll love it) and give those coaches an even bigger advantage over others in recruiting. The best showcase events with the best players will then become the biggest CAMPS! Don’t be surprised if you see much more of this along with many other services becoming more instructional based. That is… Until the NCAA makes another rule change.