- "There are the traditionalists who believe in the game being played as gentleman (as it should) and then there are the newer breed who say win at all costs. It depends on the coaching too, old school vs new."
When the game of baseball was in its infancy were there 'old schoolers'? 'New schoolers'? I would assume that the aim back then was to win, plainly and simply. No one was looking to preserve a no hitter during the course of the game.
How many years passed before there was a no hitter? When did the tradition start regarding the preservation of a no hitter? After five no hitters had been recorded? After twenty? After fifty?
I'm with the crowd now that argues for winning using all available tools, strategies, and weapons. Am I 'new school'? I would have had the same attitude back in the mid 1800's. Would I have been 'old school' then?
Beat the other team. That's what it is all about for me. How you go about accomplishing that is open for discussion, but not trying is not.