quote:Originally posted by standballdad:
In all the years I have seen my son play, I have never seen a bunt in that situation even if the pitcher is before 5 innings, HS, college or on teh pro level. And if it did happen, I would lose all respect for that manager or coach, regardless if it were son pitching or not.
The Angels are in a late season pennant race, the game was still easily in reach, this is not your normal situation. I am all for respecting the game, but the bottom line is that your team comes first. Like I said earlier, it depends on the situation at hand. Cannot bunt late in the game because opposing pitcher is flirting with a No No, is too general to apply to all situations.
If it was within reach why not hit? Why not lean into the pitch and get hit, walks don't count in no hitters.
I saw it as a stick in your face attempt and yes I am a HUGE Verlander fan.