Anything comparable? Yup. Bowling. Break up a perfect game...lay down a bundt!
After your opponent has bowled eleven consecutive strikes and he is just about to release his last ball in an effort to achieve a 'perfect game' you lay down a delicious bundt cake right in front of him. There's no way he's going to ignore that. He'll be on his second bite before his ball tails harmlessly into the gutter short of the pins thus spoiling his 'perfect game'.
The trick to using this strategy is, of course, having the sense that your opponent that night is likely to bowl 300. Baking a nice lemon flavored bundt cake in anticipation and then concealing it cleverly is a tough task. And a cheap store bought bundt will not work. They're easily spotted and always rejected on the spot.
Some will argue that a cheap bundt will actually motivate your opponent to hurl his ball at the pins rather than using the lane. When this happens the pins faint and fall over before the ball even reaches them and assuring a 'perfect game'. Be smart. Bring your bundt from home and not the bakery.
