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Reply to "No Hitter Etiquette?"

Originally posted by threeup3down:
First, the game is still a dog fight so Aybar needs to do what he can to reach base. Not Bush in this instance.

Second, Verlander fields the ball and makes a throw it is an easy out. Not Bush.

Third, Verlander can stare his teammate Guillen down for his antics (that was definitely cause for pitching in.)At this point all courtesy to the opposing pitcher (Verlander) was null and void.

Mike Sciosia runs his program as traditionally as anyone and Aybar should not be criticized in this instance. Pitchers such as Mark Mulder and Curt Schilling agree that the bunt was a smart move in this game and not at all Bush.


Welcome to the HS BaseballWeb, it's nice to see more members from our area on the site. I honestly didn't have any problem with the Aybar bunt because of the situation the previous inning with Guillen's antics. However, it got me thinking...take away everything that went on in the bottom of the 7th, now how do I feel?

First, I think Scioscia is one of the top three Manager's in the MLB. And Verlander is arguably the top pitcher right now, definitely in the top five. I was cheering for the Halos, but I also enjoy watching Verlander deal on the mound. You mentioned above that Scioscia runs a traditional program, and I agree. That's why I don't think he has his players attempt to break up No No's with a drag bunt in normal situations. The 7th inning was not normal, the Angels and Scioscia were angry and etiquette was thrown out the window, and I was all for it. I'm not sure about your reference to Curt Schilling? Schilling had a Perfect Game going late versus the Padres a few years back, and Ben Davis broke it up with a bunt. The Phillies and Schilling were not Happy Campers, and shared their feelings with the media afterwards. If he's okay with it now, he's a hypocrite. Maybe he's in the same boat as me, and agrees with the bunt because of what happened in the 7th? Who knows? I know I don't bunt to break up the No-Hitter...unless someone goes Guillen on my team the previous inning, JMO. Smile