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Reply to "Non-Dominant Shoulder Dislocation..questions"

hey slatts, i feel your pain buddy!
i play 2bag, made a play to my left attempted to to a slide snag the ball then 360 toss to 1st, bad hop/over played it and rolled over my shoulder while attempting to popup. first dislocation, had to go to ER to pop it back in place. sling for 2 weeks, frozen shoulder= PT for 3 months. then it felt strong but not quite stable. 2nd dislocation i was just getting out of bed(pushup style) popped it back in myself(after what felt like forever) then i popped it out a couple of more times horsing around with my GF, luckily she is a nurse and helped me get it back in. then just this past weekend i went behind the plate to give my teammate a breather, high inside pitch to a righty batter(shoulda been low and out) pitch was approx 75-80mph and that was enough to pop it again since i was completely stabbing at it. popped it back in after a few mins, went out to 2bag for game 2, ball up the middle over the bag attempted back hand stab, and yup popped again, 2 times in about an hr.
5-7 double header but i think i am now relegated to DH. its been a year since your last post. i hope you have had better luck then i have.
do you know of or heard of any type of brace that could be worn to help prevent this? i swing lefty so it doesn't effect my swing.