Ok, renting a helicopter wasn't going to happen.
The field was so wet that 10 men and 10 wet-vacs wouldn't have made a difference.
The entire outfield is still soaked today, I don't think there is any more standing water but the whole outfield is still a marsh.
We have been talking about re-doing the entire outfield...it is that bad that we would spend a lot of money to fix it.
Here is the kicker as they say, my 4 year old's s****r game was cancelled today because of a wet field.
Coppell did get 5 inches of rain Wednesday.
Guess what....it is raining in Coppell right now.
I hope the coaches have lined up a different alternate site just in case.
KD, I have to coach my 6 yr's T-Ball game at 3 pm so I won't get there until 4:15. I'll look you up when I get there.