Raining again....I wonder if all this rain is Coach English's fault.
As for whatever other sub-topic I had commented on in this thread, I deleted my comments.
If cutter1 and STD3 want to continue that's fine.
Please post the video....or we could just talk about the weather some more....or we could talk about baseball.
But wait, Keller has to wait until next year to talk about baseball while at least the Coppell faithful still have baseball to talk about at least for this week....maybe longer if Coach English keeps making it rain.
The only video our fans shot during the game was of the play at the plate. The catcher wasn't on the plate and he didn't make the tag in time, the player was safe. The orginal call should have stood and the run should counted. Excellent two strike bunt and great jump by the player on third. I will admit the play by the third baseman was almost as good, incrediable play dropping to his knees and sliding. Did he barehand the ball to toss it to the catcher? Now that play would be worth posting on Utube.
I do think it is telling that Keller fans video the crowd and Coppell fans video the game.