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Reply to "now what??"

Good first response.

I am not an xray technician, so I wouldn't even venture to guess what is the difference between an xray and an MRI, except that an MRI gives a different view or views of the area in question and into deeper tissue.

Regarding insurance, doesn't matter if you have an HMO or PPO. A good point is made that an MRI is expensive and a doctor has to justify the test.

In my experience and understanding an xray is taken first, then a plan is made by the doctor which might include rest, anti inflammatory. Then possible therapy which would include massage, elec stim and excercise to strenghten the area. If all else fails and pain still persists, the doctor might choose an MRI to see if there are any problems the xray did not pick up.

The elbow pain could be a sign that some adjustments need to be made, not necessarily a major problem. But that can't be determined until the pain goes away. The body is sending signals something is not right.

Unless you have visited a doctor who specializes in sports injuries, it's pretty hard to tell anyone what might be causing the problem, especially over the internet. When son suffered a bout with tendinitous a few years back it took 3 months (not an HMO) before the doctor decided to do an MRI, which resulted in nothing of significance. Physical therapy and a good rehab throwing program before season started, took 5 months. Fall ball was cut immediately and then in the off season they worked on teh long toss. This whole episode was the result of throwing a screwball incorrectly (which he shouldn't have been throwing at all).
This year son suffered a bit of tendinitous in his shoulder. Xray's showed nothing. He went on 2 weeks complete rest, therapy and then a rehab long toss program before he went into the bull pen to see if the shoulder was ok. It was a little bit faster process than before as he had therapy available whenever he wanted and a trainer. No MRI was needed, just rest, anti inflammatories and a good program to get back on track. This was a result of not beginning his long toss program early in aug and hitting the bull pen too early, a major cause of injury before teh season even begins.
I can't believe how many times I hear parents say they took their son to a doctor and doctor said it was nothing serious, then next day son is back playing or in the gym, or back at the cage or throwing. The slight injury never has a chance to heal, then come season all h**l breaks loose. o not let anyone tell you it even MIGHT mechanics. Elbow pain is serious and NOT normal in many cases, though there may be referred pain in the AREA. Only a doctor can diagnose that.

Follw doctor's advice, if your son does not feel that improvement is being made, you might need that other opinion.

Health South offers a variety of doctors who specialize in sports injuries. You could call to see if there is one located near you and if the pain does not subside, politely ask for a referral to one.
Last edited by TPM