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Reply to "OF Throwing Velocities"

My son which is a 5’10” 170  2022 has been stuck on 80MPH OF throwing velocity for over a year now.

He has been very dedicated on weight training and has seen big increases in all four major lifts (Squats, Dead lift, Hang clean and Bench press).


Okay, but what is his routine like? What exercises does he do? How much weight, how many reps, how many sets? How challenging is it for him? 


Has anyone else experienced this plateau of arm velocity? Any suggestions on how to improve?


I would look at what he's doing, training-wise. I mean that both in terms of baseball, specifically throwing, and in terms of working out. I would look at his mechanics to see if there's any really egregious looking motion, but if there's not it would not be the first place I looked to try and make a change, it would be the first two things mentioned.
