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online Grades

How do you think colleges and high schools will handle grades during this time?  My son's Business Management Class which we were told from the beginning would be one of the hardest classes he would take is this spring.  2 players took it this fall and failed and are re-taking it.  He had an A in it pre-Corona and is now at a low C.  They had daily grades and extra  projects they could do when it was a classroom class.  Now that it is online they have  no more daily grades or extra projects.  Just the mid-term and the final.  How do you think schools/professors will handle it whether college or high school? 

I would have a hard time failing a kid who was doing great in class until this.   I have heard from our high school administrators that they have told teachers to use very good judgment when it comes to grades and try to make them in regards where the student was pre-Corona as long as they are turning in work.

Thoughts?  Really worried dad.  He has to make 69 or better on final in two weeks since he is a Business Management major. 

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