quote:Originally posted by Coach May:
I understand you getting upset about that post. But I dont believe you dont care what a coach thinks. I think every crew when the game is over wants to think that both coaches felt the game was called in a professional and consistent manner. Now I understand that can not always be the case because some coaches wouldnt know either way.
The vast majority of umpires do a tremendous job. And even if they have a tough night and miss some calls as long as they are consistent with the strike zone , work hard to get into proper posistion and handle themselves in a professional manner I have no issues what so ever.
I do not expect them to be perfect. And I do not expect to agree with every call. But I do expect them to be consistent and prepared to work hard to do a good job. But just like in every profession there are good and not so good. Just like coaches.
Coach May,
I agree 100% with everything you said. But when it comes to criticism, I will give far more credibility to a competent partner than a coach who is often influenced by the outcome of the game. That's just the way it is.