Great discussion! Ok, a bit about the player. His mom is South Korean and 5'1" tall. His dad is 5'9" and played through HS. Thus, he's only 4'9" as an 11u player and his shoulders/wrists/etc don't suggest he's going to get to be much over 5'8" or so. But who knows? Academically, he's a year ahead and home schooled. He's just 10 now and won't be 11 until November.
To his credit, he's an early learning elite catcher. So much so that he's regularly asked to guest play on 12uAAA/13AA type teams. He was also one of the kids to make the 12u NTIS games, albeit he wasn't selected for obvious reasons. Since we're in the S. FL. circuit, he's played highly competitive ball since age 8 (elites each year for his age group and the one above, for example).
On the other side of the coin, he's receiving early Jr. Prep/JV offers from HS programs as he's in 6th grade. I had been warned by other pops that he'd be a great candidate for a hold back year. For me, I see a young man who has met every challenge because he had to work harder and I like that work ethic in him. But as my child, I can't help but to want to take some of the stress off him and keep it fun. Thus why I asked about the rules. I'm with many of you who say the equivalent of 'he may not be playing at age 14'. That's so true. But just wanted to know what most are doing just in case.
Sounds a lot like my son. Was the best player in the area up to about 14u. Was asked to play up but we would not let him. He is also a very good catcher. Mom is 5'0" I am 5'9". Son is forecasted to be 5'10". He is now 5'9". We are both of asian decent. I played in college. We made sure son was well rounded and not just all about baseball. Boy Scouts, piano etc...We did not take baseball all that seriously until just before HS. Kept him in Rec ball up to 14u, started playing TB after 12. Made HS varsity as a freshman in SoCal. My point of all this is you have time, enjoy it. If your son is that good and still is playing He will be fine. It all goes by so quickly. My son is now going into his Junior year.