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Reply to "Parents of pitchers"

Can I relate to this topic. I tend to be the Mom behind the plate. Oh yeah, you all know the kind of Mom I am. We are very protective of our pitching sons. It kills me when the umpire is stingy with his calls or son is having a bad day or team is making errors so that it takes 6 outs to get out of the inning, and so on. I am dying out there!!! I practically choke on my sunflower seeds to keep myself in check from yelling inappropriate comments when the errors are racking up. (You're not alone, MrandMrsBaseball.) My husband tends to pace and hang out on the sidelines with the other Dads. I think it is hard to sit next to me.
And yes, to answer the question, it has been the same since day one watching our son progress through all the different levels of baseball. Wouldn't give a second of it up. Can't wait to watch him next year when he pitches for USC. Looking forward to watching his last year of high school pitching. Praying to God that he stays healthy and continues to love the game of baseball.