quote:Is the ump supposed to move out of the way to give the catcher a straight shot at a passed ball?
In training clinics umpires are taught to clear in the opposite direction of the catcher in any pop up, passed ball or wild pitch situation. Catchers normally clear on the side of the pitch....meaning if the ball is inside they will turn to the inside to chase the ball.......We are taught to clear the opposite way. This is what I teach in my classes.
Now given that, there is no rule that says we must, or even have to move. At that point the umpire is just part of the field and must be manuvered around.
In the real world, many catchers forget that we are behind them and their first step/turn is right around and into the umpire which can lead to the left/right dance you describe. I was taught the clearing technique and for the most part it keeps me out of the way.
As to the results of the play, I would assume that the umpire called it the way he saw it, because I will do the best I can to get out of the way, but I can not disappear...