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PED suspensions spell Ouch for 4 MLB teams

I know that this story being rehashed over and over might get old for some. And that's okay. It does become repetitive after a while. But it seems to me that when very relevant and important news that should be constantly talked about with our own players becomes old or unworthy, a red flag should go up. This isn't about misery loves company or anyone enjoying the downfall of others for dirty laundry. None of that. 

This goes right along with our last discussion for the most part.  But it dumbfounds me how one of these players had been in the minors for 7 years and figured that it was now time to take the risk in order to get ahead in the game or, that perhaps he had been lucky thus far with his Russian-roulette gamble of using as it had worked so far. 

But as you read the below link this is really what blows me completely and totally away. It's the KIND of PED's these guys are putting into their bodies! This first player above was suspended for 80 games at the beginning of 2016 having tested positive for metabolites of Stanozolol, a performance-enhancing drug sometimes used by veterinarians to promote muscle growth in weakened animals! WHAT??!!

Another was suspended for a 60-games after testing positive for Nandrolone, which is a performance-enhancing drug sometimes prescribed to help treat osteoporosis in older women.

In 10 or 20 years from now I guess when these guys are home and their bodies are shutting down in very weird and awkward, debilitating ways I'm pretty sure they'll have an epiphany of what was worth it at one time. Regardless if they get kicked out of baseball or not those taken these kinds of PED's and others WILL pay one way or another. Just have them call Jose Canseco.



"The difference between excellence and mediocrity is commitment." Twitter: @KwwJ829

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