For those that have been there, or live in the area, it appears that my 2017 will be playing there for 3-4 weeks this summer. If that is the case, and I'll know for sure very soon, are there any reasonable rentals available in the area?
Chances are we'll drive down from NY as it will give him the opportunity to see a few colleges along the way, both coming down and returning home.
Any input is appreciated.
I live pretty close, but because of that, I've never had a need to rent, so not sure what home rentals are available. That said, I doubt many since it's still fairly new and most of the residents around are living/working residents, not vacation, 2nd property owners in this area.
There are cabin rentals at Red Top Mountain which is a State Park and only a few minutes from the site. I hike there all the time, but have never stayed in any of their cabins. I'd start there and look into reserving something if you know which weeks you'll be there.
Also, depending on which event, not all games are played on LakePoint fields yet as they're limited in quantity at this time, so you could be playing on high school fields all around Atlanta metro. Something to consider as you might end up renting something 2 miles from LP and 25 miles from where you ultimately play most of your games. For that reason, I'd recommend you broaden your search and consider Cartersville down to Marietta and across to Roswell. That area would cover most of southeast Bartow county (where Cartersville/Emerson are), and north Cobb County which is within proximity of most everywhere you're likely to play. LakePoint itself is in Emerson.
Good luck.