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Reply to "PG Northeast Regional All-State tourney"

Thank you, everyone, for the feedback!  It is super helpful, and confirmed what my gut was telling me.  I’m actually relieved it doesn’t mean anything.  I think we’ll let him give it a try, only because it will give him an opportunity to be out of his comfort zone a bit.  The showcase is more for him to familiarize himself with the process, but maybe we’ll hold off on that.  Although he’ll have to get used to more pressure, it seems like there is time.  He really loves baseball, and I want to keep it that way!  August does seem late, but travel ball won’t ramp up until late June.  Some of the kids on his travel team are in high school, so travel can’t really start until the varsity season is over.  (He has a September birthday, so some kids his age are freshman). We’ve started looking at more competitive programs for next season. Right now, he is playing middle school ball, which is - well…middle school ball.   Lots of fun, and not super competitive.  I one hundred percent agree with playing multiple sports.  As much as he would love to play baseball all of the time, he doesn’t have the option.  We live in rural ski country, so he’s basically forced to take a break since we don’t have access to any of the indoor baseball facilities that other areas have.  For a brief period we drove to a facility that was two hours away for lessons a couple of times a week, but it was just not sustainable.  We’ll have to figure this part out as he gets older - and we’re definitely going to have to get creative.  However, it turns out that alpine ski racing is great cross training for pitchers.  It is intense, and it’s all legs, hips, and core!

Thank you, again.  I appreciate the wisdom of this group!
