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Reply to "Pitchers: Do you wear a cup"

Pardon Me,

But virually every level of baseball my son has played REQUIRED a cup. Most coaches would not allow any player on the field to play with out one.

Anyone playing baseball, or letting their child play the game with out a cup is d_amn fool! (ahhh... i see from the poll results there are at least 4 fools out there.)

As a pitcher, you are the closest to player on the field to a hit ball. You are also the most likely to be in a bad position to field or react to hit ball due to your follow through.
(Or have you not been watching ESPN over the past few years with pitcher's being hit by batted balls)

Why you would think it is ok to pitch with out a cup is so far beyond common sense that words like stupid and moronic are understating the situation.