I'm not trying to be difficult or a jerk but re-read what you put. You justified your 15 year old son pitching 130 pitches just to win a game. ...
I don't think you are relaxed. You sound very uptight.
And if you are not trying to be a jerk you must be a natural.
I added humor to a situation that I found alarming. Thus the "lol". That means "laugh out loud". You can sue me for getting caught up in the moment of a game. ...
Unfortunately, with the emoticons, it's very difficult to translate how much humor or sarcasm is supposed to be reflected by your comments. But the words are stated and I think interpreted as having at least some truth behind them.
Coach's words are dead on and he is not a jerk but someone who is trying to help you understand how best to guide and protect your son on this topic. When you comment that you were caught up in the moment of the game, that is significant. That is the crux of the problem and the primary reason pitch counts and rest guidelines are necessary. Competitive coaches, players and parents are all susceptible to getting caught up in the moment of the game. There needs to be guidelines in place to protect the player, especially when these moments arise. Those moments are going to arise again and again and again. And that's no joke