My dream would be for high school coaches to follow this rule of thumb:
1) 85 PC reached in inning is the last inning for the pitcher but pitcher can complete inning unless 105 PC is exceeded. .
2) 20-30 PC in two consecutive innings before reaching 85 PC constitutes removal of pitcher.
3) More than 30 PC in any one inning constitutes removal of pitcher.
I would like to see more stringent guidelines adopted by UIL for pitchers that would be mandated.
There is no reason for parents or kids to have to be the "bad guy".
Would you recommend these guidelines be the same for a freshman at 14-15 and a senior at 17-18?
There has to be, IMO a physical/biological development consideration.
I think, for the purpose of enforcement, the rules for pitch count should be kept as simple as possible. I'm not saying my dream is the best but we have to start somewhere.