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Reply to "Pitching Injuries"

Originally Posted by AliasGrace:

Someone posted this link to Div. 1 high pitch counts a while back.  I found it interesting and helpful when comparing programs.


Hey thanks, I post that site periodically. Its a good resource.


However, my premise is that pitchers get hurt, even in ideal situations, but there are different times when getting hurt can hurt and when it wont as much.  


Once your son leaves your home you have no control over his destiny. I know that you all know that his workload will increase significantly when he goes to college or turns pro.  So control what you can, when you can, even if that means that he may not be playing as much as the kid next door, not attending as many showcases, sufficient off season rest, but at least when something does happen you don't have to think about what did you do wrong. 




