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Reply to "Pitching Injuries"

Originally Posted by cabbagedad:
Originally Posted by roothog66:

I also wanted to comment on many posts slamming Lion. I just reread that post. In what part of does he ever indicate that he was "OK" with the high pitch counts put on his son? It's ridiculous that anyone would jump him for what I read as an expression of concern over it and for expressing a reality of life; that it can be a struggle for a parent (especially one with no experience) to make the decision to question the coach. Again, his post IN NO WAY indicated that he was ok with it.In order to have a good conversation on the subject, we need to encourage parents of pitchers and discuss ways to help them approach the problem instead of calling them idiots and attacking them.

Actually, Root, he did express that he was OK with it, at least to some degree, in explaining it away as a very big game, providing some background and expressing some pride in the accomplishment.  He was "caught up in the moment".  That is understandable and I think we've all been there. 


My perception is that Lion has a very talented young player and he is about to get pulled in a million different directions over the next few years.  I believe that Lion is a very knowledgeable guy with best interests at heart for his kid and is rightfully proud and excited about his son's skills and accomplishments.  I totally agree with you that it can be a struggle to make the decision to question the coach.  We see it often here that the excitement and visions of grandeur can somewhat cloud the path of decisions that even the most level-headed parents face regarding talented athlete sons and daughters.  When they are at a particularly high point, a gentle nudge or suggestion will rarely have an impact on their thought process.  Sometimes, a jolt is the only thing that will do so. 


Subsequent posts from Lion support that he has the right mindset regarding arm care and protection but I don't think the observations and comments from others were without merit and hope that he sees the helpful intent behind them from all three parties, myself included.


The other point Coach brought up was to question advising son to lie to or deceive the HC. He finished by emphasizing setting the right example to your child.  I certainly support that position as well.

I invite you to go back and reread his posts. The first expressed concern that his kid's coach was ignorant concerning pitch counts. The second mentioned that the first time was a big game, but that when he did it a second time it was a sign to him there was a problem. I'd like you to comment on whether Coach's response was deserved or helpful.


Additionally, I was a little disappointed. I've read literally hundreds of posts from Coach and this is the first time I found a post of his a problem.


I would guess Lion is not the only poster with this problem. There are plenty of parents that come here to share their experiences. Lion,for example knows there's a problem. But it's easy to tell a parent he needs to take up the issue (or have his kid do so) than it is to actually do so. What Lion needed was to be able to rely on the experiences of posters here in finding the solution - not a rebuke.
