Root, to back up Cabbage a little here, lion did make several comments that led me to believe he was OK with the pitch counts. It has happened 3 times from what I can tell from his posts:
Our high school coach had my son throw 125 pitches and 140 pitches in two separate games.
It was after these comments, with some minimizing about it, that coach responded with a fairly straight forward message. The issue should have been addressed and stopped after the first outing. If it happened again, more stringent measures should have been taken. To have it happen a 3rd time is almost unexcusable as a HS freshman. This situation is asking for trouble. 125, 130 and 140 pitch games as a freshman in HS is not good.
To your point that subsequent comments have been made by lion to show that he is knowledgeable about this issue, you are correct. However, knowing it and doing something about it are two different things. Speak to the coach. Let him know your concerns. If he doesn't like it, it may be time to pull your kid from the team. No matter how talented he is, he will never make it to college if his arm is blown out.
I remember in HS, my son pitched against a kid that threw 140 pitches in 8 innings against my son. There was a pro scout there to see him as well. We all thought that was CRAZY - and he was a senior. Kid didn't go pro, went to a mid-low level D1 and has done OK, but has had some arm problems.
Don't just know about the problem, take action.