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Reply to "Pitching Injuries"

Originally Posted by roothog66:

Problem is that the recruiting climate has changed. It's the rare pitcher that can expect to be recruited from only playing in the spring. Which (and not that I'm agreeing with it) might be ab argument for getting rid of high school ball and moving it all to clubs and then trying to limit the season to May - October.


We all come from different climates, I would expect anyone reading would take that into consideration.  Where I am from bb is played all year long, always was and will always be.  There is a lot to consider if your son is a young pitcher (mine began at 8).


By the way, this is not the first time I have gotten up on my soapbox. I have been here for a very long time and have seen many many post regarding injuries, in fact they made a forum for it.  

The pitchers having TJS are from my sons era in proball (2007 until now).  They also threw pretty hard, and some have had shoulder issues as well.  Conditioning has gotten better and ASMI has helped with better guidelines, but injuries still occur.

Maybe you havent read or understood what I have said.  I keep stating keep things to a minimum for YOUTH pitchers because as they get older so will the pitch counts.

I also took Lions post the same as others did.  I especially didn't understand why he would have his son give signs to him when he wants out when all he has to do is tell the coach he is done.

Regardless, he is asking a lot of good questions and hope that he is learning from this topic.

That's what we are here for.

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