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Reply to "Pitching Injuries"

Originally Posted by cabbagedad:
Originally Posted by roothog66:
Originally Posted by cabbagedad:
Originally Posted by roothog66:


I invite you to go back and reread his posts. ...I'd like you to comment on whether Coach's response was deserved or helpful.


Root, I totally get your point.  And I did go back and re-re-read.  He did lead off with the concerns as you state.


I shouldn't speak for Coach but I suspect he is seeing some of what I am with Lion's posts... around some great info and questions are some comments that perhaps suggest he could benefit from that jolt to his thought process...


Here is another example (one of his posts)...

"Concerning the sign, absolutely would I implement this sign IF after talking to the coach he ignored my sons' health.  It's not like he is stealing crab legs from supermarkets or raping girls on campus. 


If that doesn't work then I would talk with the Athletic Director who is the head football coach and tell him that if he wants his starting QB to return next season then he (AD) needs to talk with the baseball coach. Football is King in Texas! "


Now, one of the things that grabbed my attention with this - he talks about going to the AD regarding the problem, which is great.  But he puts more emphasis on the AD also being the football coach and how he needs to address the problem if he wants his star qb back.  Well, thought #1 should be that the AD will address the issue because it is the responsible thing for him to do in the position of AD. (I didn't comment on this initially because I didn't want to "pile on").   I'm pretty sure that one didn't sit well with Coach who is an AD and is/was also a football coach.  And I don't even know what to make of the "raping girls on campus" analogy (yes, I get the reference).  I know this is, perhaps, reading too much into things and again, there is the emoticon.  But when looked at cumulatively, I do see concerns.  Now, he could be totally yanking chain and I'm way off base but... 


I missed that comment about the "crab legs, and raping girls" and this style seems kind of familiar, not just to me, I'll bet.


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