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Reply to "Pitching Injuries"

Originally Posted by Stats4Gnats:


Originally Posted by AGDAD19:

…I really think someone needs to come up with a guideline of pluses and minuses based on number of pitches per inning and rest time between innings.

If you think it’s such an easy thing to do, why don’t you do it? I’ll go out on a limb and say you probably could do a pretty fair job of it, but how long would the list be? If it takes more than a glance to come up with an answer, who’s gonna use it?


OK stats, I'll give it a crack.
Son's pitch count is 95. That pitch count can only be exceeded to complete a batter that he started at less than 92. If he completes a batter at 92 to 94 he's done. That minus 4 to start a batter always applies to the adjusted pitch count.

Pitch deductions:
Pitches per inning
  21-25 minus 5
  26-30 minus 10
  > 30   minus 15
  2 consecutive inn > 17 minus 5
Rest btw innings
  < 7 min.  minus 5
  < 9 min.  minus 3

Pitch additions:
Pitches per inning
  < 9    plus 3
  2 consecutive innings < 13 plus 5
Rest btw innings
  > 13 min plus 5
  2 consecutive inn > 10 min plus 3

An average high school 7 inning game is between 110-130 minutes long or roughly 16-18 minutes per inning or 8 to 9 minutes per half inning. If you don't want to use a watch or stopwatch to keep track of rest times,  you can use the oppositions pitch count to determine the adds and subtractions.

Pitch deductions:
Pitches per inning
  21-25 minus 5
  26-30 minus 10
  > 30   minus 15
  2 consecutive inn > 17 minus 5
Rest btw innings based on opposition's pitch count
  < 10  minus 5
  < 15  minus 3

Pitch additions:
Pitches per inning
  < 9    plus 3
  2 consecutive innings < 13 plus 5
Rest btw innings based on opposition's pitch count
  > 21 min plus 5
  2 consecutive inn > 17 plus 3

So there's my basic guidelines. Go ahead and Statify me. I'm sure those such as ASMI or Andrews' group could come up with a guideline that would be understandable based on the research they've done. You may think this would be to complicated but it's a complex issue that should be addressed. If we are truly interested in protecting our pitchers arms, it shouldn't be written off and ignored. Maybe we need to find more intelligent people to be in charge.
Last edited by AGDAD19