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Reply to "Pitching lessons and the Varsity Coach"

As far as my son getting the pitching lessons, what I was concerned about was the fact that he does bullpen work on Wed or Thursday and his lessons were on Monday. However, this monday was a rainout, and we rescheduled for Wednesday. I just didn't want my son going to lessons on Wed, and then turning around and pitchng bull on Thursday. I think he should tell the coach, that he had pitching lessons on Wednesday night, and could he please skip his turn in the bull. After all the bull lessons on Thursday is pitching to a catcher in the bullpen, with no one watching. There is no coach there to correct any mechanical failures, or to have a time/pitch limit. I for one, would think he would get alot more out of the lessons than the bull session. My one and only concern is the wellbeing of my son, and to get better to have a chance at the next level. I certainly would not jeopardize my son's pitching arm for any reason. I think we will also shut it down once the season starts (Feb 16), because as many of you have pointed out, it would simply be logistically impossible, not knowing when he was going to pitch (in relief or start) during the season. After all, the coach doesn't consult with me. Anyway, thank you all for the info, you are the best.