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Reply to "Pitching Strategy Showcase"

May be off topic (apologies) but thought of a couple questions in regards to catching showcase games. For situations where you may not be catching with your normal team. Thought it was fitting here, talking about pitching strategy.

Does the catcher normally call the pitches like in other games? (they would need to speak to the pitcher to see what pitches they have in all these cases)

Do they work with the pitcher to determine what they want to throw? Sample: Son was helping out a team where the coach allowed the pitcher to choose his own pitches. He would give the signal for the pitch he thought should be thrown and if the pitcher didn’t agree, he would run through the signals for the other pitches the pitcher had (mixing the sequence each time), until he received the yes head shake. Same as normal pitch shake offs.

Should he work out a signal, like taping the face mask before the sign to let the pitcher know it is a pitch one of the coaches sitting behind him said he wanted to see. So the pitcher throws that pitch?

Or does he just let the pitcher throw whatever he wants, and expect anything.

Or would the pitcher prefer something else?
