meads posted:cabbagedad posted:meads posted:A bit off topic, but the relationship between a pitcher and catcher is important. DS is a pitcher (1 of 6 on his team) and we have 3 catchers. DS keeps getting paired up with one and he tells DS to throw only FB's and DS shakes him off but he signals him to throw a FB anyways.
I did ask my DS, can't you shake him off and throw what you want and he said not really because if the catcher is set to catch a FB and he throws a slider, and the catcher misses it, it affects him...
I told DS to talk to his coach and ask if he could have one of the other catchers, but he is also afraid of retaliation...(the catcher is good at what he does, but DS also knows that when he has a batter 0-2, he needs to throw something other than a FB). (I did tell DS that I am out of it, he has to handle this all his own)
Advice please.
More background needed... what level program? fall games? is regular coaching staff on hand? is there a P coach? is C calling on his own or getting signs relayed? is C and upperclassman and P underclassman? will C be the likely starter going forward? what's DS?
could this be beginning of practice season when P's generally are directed to throw only FB's? is this 100% of the time or just most of the time?
Club level - 16u team. Fall season. No P coach, but 3 coaches are there. Catcher makes his own calls. The C is the primary one. DS stands for Darling Son 😂 The C calls FBs most of the time. My son and the other P’s can throw sliders and curves. Some are better than others. My son and 1 other are the top 2 for the team
And as far as bullpen time: my son has asked numerous times for him and C to get together with us doing the driving and open to the C’s schedule and C says he can’t.... this C and my son used to be friends over the summer and as soon as Fall ball started C is very different. He has detached himself from the other boys.
Do you have an older daughter who played sports? DD is a girl’s sports term. I’ve never heard DS. I’m thinking my son might have had a comment had I called him Darling Son.