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Reply to "Player Confidence"

I really enjoyed reading these responses. Great stuff.

I wouldn't rush to the pink helmet, but it's great if that coach pulled it off successfully (the last thing I want my players thinking is trying to avoid striking out).

I really like the Inner Game of Tennis idea -- that's still the best sport psychology book ever (I'd rank Heads Up Baseball a close second....).

It was also interesting for me to read b/c it gave me a chance to see how I personally have evolved these past several years.

I'd say all the responses are "cognitive behavioral" in approach. Lots of really great stuff I teach players every day, but it's now to me the icing on the cake.

I'm now firmly entrenched in the "energy" world, or "energy psychology."

I would address this guy's nerves with "tapping."

Tapping gets to the root of the issue. It enables you to actually do the things people are suggesting here.

I noticed myself getting frustrated with even very good responses because there (IMO) is so much better way.

The home of it just moved to

I also teach it at baseball confidence.

But cognitive behaviorally, I would suggst my ABCs:
Act confident
Breathe deeply
Commit to your target

Do your ABCs on each and every pitch. Practice them.