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Reply to "Players drinking"

Originally posted by CoachB25:
Very sad indeed! My best to your son's team as they adjust. I also feel for those thrown off of the team.

I do, too. I feel that they were not "thrown off the team". I assume that, like many or most schools if not all, there are rules against underage drinking. And so therefore, if there were rules, they knowingly chose to disregard them. And they LEFT the team of their own accord.

They may not have planned to get caught.....

But all actions have a reaction---and their stupidity (yes, I think that drinking during the season is stupid) results in the opportunity for four students who wouldn't have had the chance to play this year.......and that's a good thing. I'm sure they won't waste this opportunity...

Kudos to the coach and the school for removing these "team leaders" from the team. Kudos to them for not having a double standard......

Not everyone has the privilege and pleasure of playing baseball in their senior year of high school. Too bad they blew it.

I wish the best to the new "starters".