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Reply to "Players drinking"

tpm quote:
When my son was in HS, he had a code of conduct to follow, no drinking, no drugs, no tobacco ON COUNTY SCHOOL PROPERTY. I do beleive that it had consequences but not to boot anyone off the team.

Don't you feel that you should be punished for an illegal activity regardless of where it happens when you are supossed to be setting an example and/or representing your school? I know that I would have issues at work if I was caught doing a "naughty" outside the workplace, because it would be looked at as being irresoponsible. The penalties may not be the same, but there would be a penalty.

tpm quote:
It's not the good parents but the ones who have no clue, or turn the other way ecause they don't want to know about it (lots of those out there these days).

Thats all I'm saying, there has to be a penalty for a broken rule, many parents will blow it off. In our HS it's 6 games if you were at a party where drinking occurred and you have a 15 minute window to call someone if you are stuck there. It is a here-say rule, no pics needed, just the report of someone there. If it is story to get you in trouble it is an easy one to get out of it as your accuser has to confront you, and you have the right to call him on it with your own proof.

What I don't understand is how people can say that the school cannot carry out it's punishment if it does not happen on school property.

What irks me are times when rules are in place and change for the circumstances. For example, no open containers on campus, but they leave out EXCEPT on football days in designated areas. Underage drinkers will be penalized but on football saturdays no one has no cue if you are 21 or not or even cares

Confused That to me is two rules that occur on different days and is well documented. As far as the underage drinking part is concerned it is illegal regardless of the day however the resources are not available to always enforce it. Law enforcement sometimes has to "pick it's poison" of what laws to enforce during a "combustable" event.