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Reply to "Playing Multiple Sports"

While parents may state they want their kids to have fun, they also want them to become good athletes so they can compete in sports after HS and gain some dollars to help pay for college. This may not be indicative of here, but I know plenty of parents who wanted their sons in multiple sports for that reason alone. It was a constant battle fopr some of my friends during each season, during football, get your rear to the cages for hitting practice, I paid for that fall ball team and you have spent more time on the bench than on the field. I know you are tired from the basketball game, but get up and get to the field? Most of them, although good athletes never went beyond HS playing any sport. I know that it bothered many of them that their sons never secured a baseball scholarship (the game THEY loved and thought their sons loved more than anything).
Get that?

Coach May covered that pretty well, the dilemma of multi sport athletes. Yes, many players can go from sport to sport and be stars, but most in general have to practice to improve and compete.

I have never stated anything against the "fun" side of playing multiple HS sports. If you go back and read my posts, I always alluded to playing for the right reasons, not the wrong.

If you go back to BLprkfrnks's original post, there is discussion about having to force new baseball practices upon his player (who is not as sharp as he should be due to football) and states it hasn't been "fun". He states the predicament as, "we" are in.

So I will tell you what I AM NOT going to do as a parent. If my player shows strong ability in one sport, yet wants to have fun and plays two or three sports, not concentrate on his school work (most important in the entire picture) I AM NOT going to be the one who gets on his case to practice or do homework and make both of us miserable, this is going to be his problem (or hers) not a 'we" problem.

And, last but not least, after all of this, I am not going to b and moan when my son doesn't get recruited to the school I think he should be recruited to or not drafted.
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