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Reply to "POP Time, 1.88 good?"

MLb most guys arent throwing down on a blocked pitch if the runner was already going.  They are already half way there.  At the lower levels they are running on the play on the dirt so the typical equation is changed up.  Runner is getting a late jump and hopefully the catcher is quick with his recovery and kept the ball close.  In the big leagues you see balls squirt away 5-6 feet with no runner advancing.  In HS thats enough to move up in most cases...

I WILL readily agree that blocking isn't something you just do one day.  And once you get good at it you tend to range a little further out and go for even harder pitches to block.  In the end it results in a lot of bruised arms and painful blocks.  Even a clean block into the chest from someone throwing  80's plus sucks.   Seen a lot of "big" kids with snazzy fast arms look like chumps cause they can't block.  Why steal on him?  Wait for the pitcher to get wild and let it be a passed ball.  I have told any kid who I worked with either starting to catch or wanting to learn.....  You have to be a little off your rocker to want to be a catcher.  If you cant stand being hit by a baseball intentionally than catching isn't the spot for you.
