This thread comes up alot. I have coached catchers for several years at the HS level. I have kept detailed records of my kids from Fresh year to graduation. Also I time all those we face in pregame and between innings as well as game throws. This means I have timed alot of kids over the years. I wipe out the throws that are not accurate. I could careless how quick a kid can get it down to second if its over the head of the infielder or way off line. What can a kid do consistently and accurately. We all know that game times are usually slower than non game times. Not always but most of the time. I went and looked up some of my records and this is what the avg for us came out to.
Freshman 2.4 Soph 2.3 Junior 2.2-2.15 Sr 2.15-2.0.
Now that does not mean that everyone we have had as a Sr behind the plate threw a 2.0. And it does not mean that everyone as a Freshman threw a 2.4. These are the averages for all the kids that I have coached in the last 8 years.
Last years records for teams we faced.
Sr- 2.3 Sr- 2.25 Jr- 2.2 Sr- 2.25 Soph- 2.3 Jr- 2.5 Jr- 2.2 Sr- 2.15 Jr- 2.3 Sr- 2.2 Jr- 2.4 Sr-2.3 Jr- 2.1 Soph 2.2. These are game times.
In all my years of HS coaching from my experience most kids are in the 2.3 2.2 range that is the avg HS catcher. Below avg guys are in the 2.35 and above area. The good ones are in the 2.2 to 2.1 area and the outstanding ones are consistent 2.1 to 2.0 area. You run across a kid now and then that is 2.0 and 1.9 maybe even 1.89 but they are few and far between. Just thought I would add my 2 cents here.