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Reply to "Posted article from Eric Cressey removed on showcases"

I follow Cressey as well, but statements like this:

"I can honestly say that in all my years of training baseball players, I’ve only seen one kid who was “discovered” at a showcase.  And, frankly, it occurred in December of his junior year, so those scouts surely would have found him during high school and summer ball; it wasn’t a desperate attempt to catch someone’s eye."

completely kill his credibility on this subject. Not only is this blatant BS preceded by a declaration of "honesty." It's either a complete lie/exaggeration that is so incredible a statement as to make me confident it can't be true or he's so out of touch that he believes it. I would think even the most pessimistic posters here wouldn't think that in all his years of training baseball players, he's only seen one kid "discovered" at a showcase. It's a dishonest statement and blows his credibility with me.
