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Preferred Walk-On

We are going on a visit to a small D1 school. Tonight, the night before the visit, the coach called and talked to my son for about 20 minutes. When he got off of the phone, we learned that he had broken the news that the school is "out" of scholarship money, but the coach says they have put together a package offering about 60% of the tuition as an academic scholarship and along with that money, they want to offer a "preferred walk-on scholarship." The coach said they had been watching my son for about 2 years and knew "everything" there was to know about his pitching. So - my question is - can we tell if they are earnest about wanting my son due to this academic money - is that a good sign or is this a normal part of the process with preferred walk-ons? I guess I am looking for a sign that the coach is serious about my son playing - he did say he would get playing time as a freshman.
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