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Reply to "preseason indoor drills"

Being in a northern climate we spend most of our practice time inside.  So here is my $.02:


We focus a lot on hitting, as it is the easiest think to do indoors. Use your cage.  Get another if possible.  Nothing like hitting a real ball. 


If you want to go with wiffle balls, then the total control balls are pretty good.  They cost a lot more than regular wiffles, but are much more robust and heavier -- provide better feedback.   


You can still throw in a gym, so we do that.  And A LOT of conditioning -- especially core work. 


Pitchers and catcher's can do most of their normal stuff. 


For infield, we work a lot on fielding with the hands.  Its all short stuff, but really works the hands.  We also work a lot on the double play toss/transfer between the SS and 2b. 


We once played dodge ball.  Broke up the monotony of being indoors. 
