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Reply to "preseason indoor drills"

I have found we can work on everything we work on at an outside practice except for fly balls.  


If you have one cage, limited space, and few coaches, this can also be used as time to get a ton of individual work done.  I am currently in this situation. Some days I will bring in the players in groups instead of the whole team. I may bring pitcher/catchers, then infield, then outfield, or whatever groups and rotation you want.


A couple of years ago I had the opposite, several cages, huge indoor facility, several coaches...... Anyway, scrimmage got cancelled so I invited the other team over to workout with us. I got together with the other coach and turned some of our drills into competitions and we kept score and totaled them all up at the end and declared a winner. Competing against team mates at practice will up the intensity, but competing at practice against another team took it to another level.
