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Reply to "Private Lessons: Help or Hindrance"

This thread caught my eye because my son's private coach told him to be careful of High School coaches, particularly pitching, since "many don't know what they are talking about when it comes to pitching"

So there you have it - HS coaches don't think too highly of private baseball coaches and private baseball coaches don't think highly of HS coaches. Hmmm.....I wonder who is right.

In my son's case he has had exposure to 4 "professional" level coaches and has picked up valuable insights from all of them. Some were better than others and one really did not understand pitching like he said he did. He really "clicked" with one and because they both are tall he was able relate to my son because he went through the same issues my son is experiencing while he is in a rapid growth period. Consequently, he has dramatically improved and my son loves him.

His High School coach knows which of his kids are taking private lessons and is sure to discuss with them what their instructors are working with them on so there is not a conflict of coaching points with the player. From what I know of the top pitching talent in So Cal, most if not all, have had some kind of private intruction.

From what I have seen from the few High School programs in our area the head coach is so busy running the "program" that he will not have the time to give the indvidual attention to any particular kid. At the lower levels particularly Freshman and in some cases JV the coaching is not very good and in many cases horrible.