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Professional Instructions Fall Baseball Clinic with Marquis Grissom

Presents a 6 week Professional Instructions Fall Baseball Clinic with
Marquis Grissom and /or Delino DeShields
Beginning SEPTEMBER 15, 2007

Ages 9- 18
Saturday’s 10:00am -12Noon and Sunday’s 2:00pm-4:00pm

Cost: $500 for 6 weeks and ($50 a day) a $100 saving
Cost must be paid before attending

Gatorade/Water will be provided

Important Instruction notes:
• Players should wear baseball pants, t-shirt, cleats and a baseball cap.
• Players should bring their glove, bat and batting helmet.
• While we will have some bats for the kids to use, we will not have gloves or helmets.

Registration Form

Name _______________________________

Age _____ DOB_____________
Parent or Guardian ________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________

Home Phone ________________

Emergency Phone _____________________

E-Mail Address ____________________________

Permission and Waiver Form

I hereby authorize Marquis Grissom and /or Delino DeShields to act for me according to their best judgment in an emergency requiring medical attention. I hereby waive and release said persons from any and all liability from injuries or illnesses occurred while attending instruction sessions. I know of no mental or physical problems that may affect my child’s ability to safely participate in this clinic. Each Player is informed of rules, regulations and responsibilities in all areas of training.

Method of Payment:

Check (Made Payable to MGBA, Inc.)

Total Due: $__________________

Card #: ______________________

Exp. Date: ____________________

Signature of Parent or Guardian _________________________________________________

Supporting today’s youth with tomorrow in mind.
MGBA, INC, Inc. - 1025 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Suite 310 #257, Mableton, GA 30126
770 745 1244 office
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